It’s oh-so-easy to get stuck in the mindset that things will change for the better when:

a)      you leave your shitty job

b)      you have a bigger house

c)      you leave a bad relationship

d)      your kids are grown, or

e)      all of the above!

But waiting - and complaining about it - only serves to do one thing. It keeps you stuck. Here’s why.

The waiting game

Constantly thinking the grass is greener elsewhere, and always complaining about it, closes you off to experiencing the joy in the NOW. It blocks off new opportunities that might pop up while you’re waiting for things to get better, bitching and moaning all the while.

Yes, it’s true that it’s important to want things to improve. Knowing what isn’t working and what you don’t want is an essential part of personal growth. But the thorn in your side begins to dig deeper when you fail to find the gratitude and appreciation in where you are.

Here’s the secret: when you appreciate where you are, even if it sucks, your mindset starts to shift. New opportunities or people begin to show up to help you make the necessary changes. This moves you way from the ‘sucky’ times and towards what you want.

Stop the complaining game

It’s pretty simple – stop complaining about the shit you’re in, unless you want to invite more of it into your life.

Life isn’t always fair and we all end up in situations that aren’t ideal, but the difference is how you choose to perceive it. You have a choice today, and each day, about how you respond.

The challenge

When things go sideways, I can get that it’s hard to hold onto the joy. I’ve been there! In the past, the minute something went wrong, I would lose my joy and start complaining. It wasn’t always out loud, but definitely in my head. The challenge for me was to remain in a place of gratitude and appreciation when things were crappy.

But with practice, I’ve learned to be happy even when things may not be exactly the way I want. I made it a game for myself and the crazy part of it is that now, it takes A LOT for me to lose my joy.

Just like going to the gym to strengthen your heart and body, you need to strengthen your gratitude muscles. In the bad times, focus on the good and be grateful for it. You’ll be amazed at what this invites and how quickly change occurs.

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