Grace's Video Library

Perfectionism is rooted in fear! As a “recovering” perfectionist who continues to fall off the wagon I know that my perfectionism has limited me in many ways. Mainly it’s F$&S with my head! Now don’t get me wrong I do strive for greatness but greatness comes from practice & who’s going to achieve greatness on their first try! STOP putting things off till you’re ready! Just do it!

Forgive & Forget??????? I am neither Jesus Nor Do I have Alzheimer’s! Even though I know forgiveness is not about the person that hurt me, but about taking my own power back. It really has been difficult for me to forgive in some instances and that’s ok! Forgiveness can be a process and I hope this video helps you step closer into forgiveness to free yourself! (No, forgiveness doesn’t mean letting the other person off the hook)

As we approach Thanksgiving Eve the stress can get high because of the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Here is a short video that will give you a few tips to stay empowered during a beautiful yet stressful time of year when personalities may clash and feelings may get hurt. I hope you enjoy it! Wishing you a fabulous day ahead! With love and gratitude!

Letting go of the past is so much easier said than done! Right?? Unfortunately, when we stay focused on the past we stay in our RUT! I hope this video helps you get a little closer to letting go.

Are you constantly DOING DOING DOING and your list is never ending? Do you feel exhausted and spent because of all the tasks on your to do list? Maybe you’re a human doing and it’s time to think about making the changes to become a human BEing. This short video will help you make those first few steps towards becoming a human BEing instead of an exhausted human doing.

How many of us have experienced relationships that just drain us and bring us down? I see your head nodding! Take a moment to watch our video on how to Declutter Your Relationships! We would love to hear your comments and please do share with anyone you know who may need to hear our message. With love and gratitude!

Forgiveness can be such a challenging process! I know! I have been there! Even though I know forgiveness is for me and not the other person there have been times it took me a very long time to forgive! I hope this video on a forgiveness exercise gets you one step closer to forgive and will help you take your power back.

Ugh! I used to have such a hard time saying No! I didn’t want to seem like a bad person! I still have to practice saying No! I hope this short video helps you realize saying No is a form of self-care and could be more powerful than saying Yes! Please do share because sharing is caring and you never know who in your network may need some support learning to say No! With love and Gratitude always!

Here’s why you are stuck to the TV and the negativity! It’s not your fault but you can make an effort to change your focus….Here’s how.

Building our Resilience muscles will help us adapt and grow from the challenges we face. Here are a few ways to build your resilience muscles.

Yes we are in a pandemic and we are dealing with so many other challenges but that doesn’t mean we can’t find time for fun! Fun helps boost our immune system and makes us feel much better! Hope this short video helps you find more ways to add a little fun to your days.

Are you feeling Sluggish and Tired? Moving your body will benefit you in so many ways!

What we think and what we speak about really becomes our reality. So when we focus on negative thoughts about ourselves that can be very destructive. However, we have the ability to practice our positive thoughts with affirmations. Watch this video to learn how to practice using affirmation in your life today!

Yes! Morning rituals are all something we have heard about time and time again, but do you know why they are so important?
They set the tone for our entire day and if you take the time to practice these morning rituals you can run your day instead of letting the day run you!
Watch this video for 5 Morning Ritual Tips and please share with anyone you feel who also needs some help with morning rituals!

As we approach the end of a very tough year a little voice inside our head may have been holding us back from doing what we really wanted to do. Or maybe even someone in our friend group or family has said something that we've taken personally and pushed us back. Stop hiding from these judgments because you are worthy! Watch this video to stop hiding and come out and shine!

Need help silencing comparison and self-sabotaging thoughts? Stop what you're doing and watch this video! You can achieve the success you want and run in your own race by staying in your own lane.
Being grateful even in challenging situations doesn’t mean you are settling or wearing rose colored glasses. It means you are aware of what is going well and eager for more and better. Even during challenging situations there are gratitude’s to be found. Watch this video for a few tips on how to practice gratitude in your life.