Were you as excited as I was to say goodbye to 2020 and welcome 2021??!!!! Although I know the stroke of midnight didn’t change much, it still felt great to say goodbye.
As we move into a new year, I want to touch on something so many of us take for granted - celebrating the small wins every day. This is mainly because as a society, we’ve been conditioned to focus on life’s big wins. We then forget to consider the smaller day-to-day wins and celebrate those – the ones that actually get us to the big wins.
A great example of this is Jlo and Shakira. Their Super Bowl half-time show last year was a huge win, but they didn’t just show up and slay on the day. They had many small wins leading up to the event. It may have been as little as getting their asses out of bed one morning when they would have rather stayed cozy. Or it could have been mastering a new dance move they just couldn’t get for months on end.
Today, I would like to shift your perception about your wins. I’d really love you to see how important those daily small ones are, as well as how vital it is to celebrate them. Just getting up in the morning and getting to work on time is a WIN. You might say “Grace, I ain’t got a choice”, but of course you do. You’re choosing to be committed and get there on time … or at least get to the kitchen table on time right now LOL! Perhaps your win is that falling out you had with your partner where you decided it was more important to be compassionate than be right. HUGE WIN – celebrate hard my friend!
Celebrating our daily small wins is a really important part of the process. It boosts our confidence, helping us realize how much we’re actually accomplishing. I’m sure you’ve had a day where you felt you accomplished nothing. But if you think back, I bet on those days you really accomplished a lot. Even if you just relaxed, had a ‘laugh your ass off’ conversation with a friend, ate a Hawaiian pizza and did nothing else. Guess what? The WIN is there - you gave your body much needed rest to rejuvenate; you were there for your friend when she needed a good laugh; you nourished your soul (and belly … well kinda!) with a delicious pizza; and you supported your local pizza joint!
I had a conversation with a friend recently that illustrated the point that wins are always there, but sometimes you have to hunt for them. I asked her to tell me what’s going good in her life (it’s my new favorite question!). She said she really couldn’t think of anything. I was like, “Come on girl, something’s gotta be good!” We kept chatting away and then out of the blue she says, “I paid off two credit cards. And I’m negotiating a pay raise and not settling for less then what I asked for.” Now if that ain’t a win, I don’t know what is! We had a great time celebrating that one.
This week, I invite you to free yourself from the ‘I haven’t done enough’ bullshit, and celebrate the smallest wins in your life. After all, it’s the small wins that create our big wins, so why not enjoy each one along the way.