Episode 84: Melissa Kim Corter - Writer & Depth Psychologist

Podcast episode

“My favorite part about Jungian Analysis is in comparison to a lot of different psychological theories or practices, it doesn't leave out the soul. It includes the soul. I can't imagine doing something without considering that part of us,” - Melissa Kim Corter, Writer & Depth Psychologist.

In this episode of Real Talk, Grace speaks with Melissa Kim Corter, Writer & Depth Psychologist, about her practice of the Jungian Analysis and its use of dreams and symbols to help individuals overcome obstacles and set in motion success both personally and professionally.

In this episode we’ll dive deeper into these key takeaways:

  • Connection. In the Jungian philosophy, the mind and body are intricately linked, fostering a sense of interconnectedness with the broader world and other individuals. This notion of a profound understanding or deeper self resonates across various religious and belief systems.

  • The Power of Intuition. While intuition itself is subject to the nuances of our individual psychological makeup, our ability to channel this intuition can be strengthened. Listen as Melissa shares a few processes that can help strengthen your intuition. Research indicates that dedicating as little as 15 minutes daily to engage with this process can facilitate a transition from heightened Beta or Alpha Beta brainwave states to the more receptive Theta state.

  • Just begin. Start by jotting down your thoughts - what you’re grateful for, or even what happened that day. In doing so, you’ll move your consciousness into a more tranquil state. As Theta impulses begin to manifest, intuitive insights may emerge, initially indistinguishable from one's own internal dialogue.

  • Embrace the ego. In our conscious practice we must discern when our ego is safeguarding us from perceived harm, and instances where it instills unwarranted fear of exploration. How do we do this? Write. Provide these thoughts an outlet so they do not interfere with intuitive processes.

If you’re looking to celebrate connection and community, tune in for this special episode.

With so much love & gratitude,

Grace 💋

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