This is why you focus on the negative

This is why you focus on the negative

We’re living in a time of negativity overload, both in the news and our conversations with friends and family. I’m sure you’ve found yourself being all sorts of negative many times over (I know I have!), but this doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a negative person. This can be attributed instead to a psychological phenomenon called the negativity bias, and here’s how knowing about it will help you overcome it …

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Remember Rocky and Eye of the Tiger???


Remember Rocky and Eye of the Tiger???

Are you starting to feel angry, suffocated, or ready to kick something? I hear you as I’m right there with you! But this hard time we’re all going through is also giving us an amazing opportunity to both flex and build our resilience muscles. And here’s why that’s so important …


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Are you feeling unmotivated?

Are you feeling unmotivated?

I hope this post finds you and your loved ones safe, as we all collectively deal with the unimaginable impact of COVID-19. Even amongst all the uncertainty and fear, there are rays of sunshine to find and opportunities for growth. But you have to be brave enough to shift your mindset to find them …

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What you might be feeling might be grief

What you might be feeling might be grief

As we enter day 19 of the Shelter In Place order, we may start to go through a grieving process for the things we’ve lost; our freedom, a loss of income, the loss of not seeing our loved ones, the loss of our daily routine and so on. It’s natural to feel this way, but it’s also good to be aware of the stages of grief to help you better deal with it …

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Here are some ways to stay sane during these interesting times

Here are some ways to stay sane during these interesting times

First and foremost, I hope you and your loved ones are safe. Now let’s address the current situation we all find ourselves in thanks to the COVID-19. I must admit it feels so surreal to be suddenly detached from my oh-so-structured routine …

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Could this be what’s holding you back?

Could this be what’s holding you back?

It is one of the laws of the universe – our energy flows to what we focus on. And as humans, it’s natural for us to focus on what isn’t working in our lives, what we don’t like about ourselves, or what we don’t like about others. Our negative focus is our ego’s way of protecting us but in reality, this is counterproductive …

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Here’s some truth about conflict

Here’s some truth about conflict

Conflict sucks. I don’t like it because it makes me uncomfortable, so I do my best to avoid it, which really isn’t ideal. But there are times it’s imperative we step up and address something that isn’t working out for us, no matter how uncomfortable it may be ...

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Why a morning ritual matters

Why a morning ritual matters

Many successful people share an important thing in common. Can you guess what it is? They practice a specific morning ritual. Now before you start saying ‘REALLY Grace, I’m just not a morning person’, give me five minutes of your time, so I can explain why creating a morning ritual can help you get unstuck …

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Forget New Year’s resolutions – try this instead

Forget New Year’s resolutions – try this instead

Each and every year, we feel like we should set some all-important New Year’s resolutions. But if you’re anything like me, you write down the same list year after year, and feel totally lazy when you don’t achieve most of it! This year, I decided to throw that resolution list out the window and try something new. I’d like to share the idea with you in the hopes it will help create a better you in 2020 …

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Here are 3 tips for a fabulous holiday!

Here are 3 tips for a fabulous holiday!

I wanted to take a moment to reach out and wish you a fun and fabulous Thanksgiving. I also thought it would be a great time to give you three essential tips to help you get through what can be so challenging for so many - the holidays!

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Learn from my mistake and avoid burnout

Learn from my mistake and avoid burnout

Burnout is real! And I talk from experience. Over my adult life, I’ve had multiple cases of crash and burn, and have learned a thing or two about how to prevent it. But I’m still human and get it wrong sometimes. I’m sharing my story here in the hopes it will help you.

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How to put your dreams into action

How to put your dreams into action

I came across this quote recently and I freaked the F*&* out for a minute. Why? Because it made me instantly think about all the things I imagine when I get triggered and bent out of shape! But on the flip side, when I imagine and dream about creating something positive, I know there has to be a way to achieve it. After all, God (or whatever you want to call your higher power), put this thought in my mind for a reason, right?

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Here’s how you may be keeping yourself from creating a life you LOVE!

Here’s how you may be keeping yourself from creating a life you LOVE!

You have a vision of where you want to go in your life and you’re working hard to achieve it, but something keeps holding you back. And it’s not a little something either – it’s a big one! It’s all got to do with encountering discouragement from other people, some of them very close to you. But I’m here to tell you why it shouldn’t matter, and what you need to do to keep chasing those dreams …

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Are you judgmental?

Are you judgmental?

Let’s be real: we all play the judgment game. Whether it’s making judgments about ourselves or others, everyone does it at some time or another.

Judging is a natural defense mechanism – it’s a great ego boost as we feel safe in the knowledge we’re ‘doing’ it better. But judging has many pitfalls and most of the time works against, rather than for, you.

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Don’t wait for that ‘one day when’ …

Don’t wait for that ‘one day when’ …

Life is hectic. Most of the time, it feels like we’re stuck in a hamster wheel, continuously running so fast we hardly have time to catch our breath. There’s just no time to stop and connect with the people we love, or enjoy the simple delicious pleasures in life, be it a cool breeze brushing our face or a spectacular sunrise, right? …

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How’s the complaining working out for you?

How’s the complaining working out for you?

It’s oh-so-easy to get stuck in the mindset that things will change for the better when:

a)      you leave your shitty job

b)      you have a bigger house

c)      you leave a bad relationship

d)      your kids are grown, or

e)      all of the above!

But waiting - and complaining about it - only serves to do one thing. It keeps you stuck. Here’s why.

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We all f&*# up


We all f&*# up

Lately, I’ve been focused on the topic of forgiveness as it’s a challenging process - especially when it involves forgiving yourself


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You are human being NOT a human doing

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You are human being NOT a human doing

I can already hear you asking: ‘What the heck is a human doing?’. It’s the same question I asked one of my own coaches when she said it to me as I sat in front of her totally spent, depleted, and done. A human doing is a person who spends all of their time doing something! Even when they sit down to rest, they can’t …

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